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MEGA Zig-Zag Lift
JB Rawcliffe & Sons Ltd have successfully transported and placed two power transformers into Victoria Street, Central London.
The complex project, 18months in the planning, was to transport and place two 86,000kg power transformers and associated ancillary parts into a brand new basement substation 11m beneath ground level in central London. This project took place in the middle of the redevelopment of the former Kingsgate House on Victoria Street, SW1, as part of its transformation of Victoria.
As the new UKPN substation is located beneath the new development, JB Rawcliffe & Sons Ltd were approached and contracted to solve the challenge of getting the power transformers into the construction site and down the allocated substation hatches with the least amount of disruption to the on-going construction of Kingsgate House.
Several constraints had to be overcome which included ground loadings, restricted room on site, time restraints and access to the site. Consultation with both Transport for London, Westminster Council, The Highways Agency and Metropolitan Police were undertaken to achieve permission for the delivery of the transformers, the placement of a contraflow of Victoria Street and the crossing of the pavement to access the site.
Using our 300Ton capacity lift system the transformers were offloaded from our modular trailers, travelled over the hatches and lower down 11m to the plinth.
The successful project was completed without incident and on schedule.

Engineering Logistics
JB Rawcliffe & Sons Ltd has just completed the handling and transportation of a 63,000kg RCR Energy boiler from Tilbury Docks to Nestlé’s Project Dove state of the art coffee factory in Tutbury.
12 months in the planning, JB Rawcliffe & Sons Ltd were involved from the beginning when we were contacted and contracted to complete a route survey for the boiler at 15179mm long x 5328mm wide x 4637mm high from the UK port of entry to the delivery site for the boiler which was shipped from New Zealand. JB Rawcliffe & Sons Ltd liaised with the Highway Agency and police to obtain the necessary road permits for the movement.
In conjunction with RCR Energy JB Rawcliffe & Sons Ltd were able to assist in the engineering, design and manufacture the end suspension bookends which allowed the boiler to be supported and suspended from bolsters located on Nicolas MDED modular axles at each end.
JB Rawcliffe & Sons Ltd accepted the boiler at Tilbury Dock were we fitted our bookends to the boiler and removed the base shipping frame for the successful delivered to site.

Lifting Waste to Energy
JB Rawcliffe & Sons Ltd safely handled and installed the complete combined heat and power (CHP) line at Ridham Power Plant. With numerous constraints including limited room and low ground loading restrictions, extensive planning was completed which included numerous CAD designs for the access to the building for the delivery vehicles and the configuration of the lift system to take into account the difficult structure of the plinth and the orientation of the components.
Due to the limited ground bearing, JB Rawcliffe & Sons Ltd produced ground loading and reaction calculations for the lifting and traveling of the components onto their respective foundation. Along with the necessary platforms and due to the limited ground loadings JB Rawcliffe & Sons Ltd were able to provide steel and timer navy mats to reduce the calculated ground loadings to the allowable levels.
The components were delivered directly from Europe to the site, due to this during the planning stages of the project it was highlighted that the delivery vehicles would not access the site due to site restrictions and the overall size of the delivery vehicles which have to conform with European axle loadings. JB Rawcliffe & Sons Ltd as part of the project package included the transhipment from the delivery vehicles to super short all-wheel steering modular trailers for manoeuvring on site into the offloading position.
With strategic planning, this complex project was a success, completed on time and within project parameters.

Hot Trommel
JB Rawcliffe & Sons Ltd has successfully completed a two part project for the removal of a fire damaged trommel and installation of a new trommel.
The trommel 14.5m x 3.95m x 4.2m 35,000kg was located 5.4m above the ground with limited headroom and surrounded by associated components making it a very tricky operation. Due to its ability to operate in confined spaces and lift capacity at high level lifting JB Rawcliffe & Sons Ltd utilised the 300Ton capacity lift system to lift the trommel from its support legs which were removed and lowered the trommel down to a super low steerable semi low loader for the removal from site.
The second part of the project was the installation of a new trommel which was delivered in from Europe. Due to the limited access on site JB Rawcliffe & Sons Ltd supplied a steerable semi low loader for the trommel to be transhipped onto. Again the 300Ton capacity lift system was used and the trommel lifted and placed onto its support legs. Both parts of the project were completed within schedule, budget and without incident.