Author: Paramount

High Profile : Safe : On Time
JB Rawcliffe & Sons Ltd have completed successfully a high profile move of a 166,000kg generator transformer from an oil fired power station to a nuclear power station. The project involved the skidding, utilising our hydraulic skid system of the transformer from inside a building, out of the building and into the roadway where it was loaded to a girder trailer.
The transformer then travelled at night down the West coast of Scotland under full police escort. The transformer was offloaded to a storage plinth as a spare for the nuclear power station. The complicated project was a complete success and completed well within project parameters.

450Ton Total GTW
We successfully transported two 305,000kg castings from Sheffield Forgemasters International. The mill housings, 13m long, 4.7m wide and 2m high are destined for Venezuela and were transported from Sheffield to the Port of Goole where they were loaded to a barge and shipped to Duisburg Germany. We planned the route, organised the special orders, police and council liaison, street furniture removal and bridging of structures to successfully transport the castings without incident and on schedule.
20Rows of Nicolas MDED axles, specifically designed spreader mats, and two MAN 8×4 ballasted units were utilised for the moves which were conducted during the hours of darkness with complex contra-flows on the motorway network en route to the Port of Goole.

Gas Powered
JB Rawcliffe & Sons Ltd have successfully removed over 1000tonne of gas turbine generator equipment in Scotland. The two lines that each were made up of a gearbox (45,000kg), turbine (240,000kg) and generator (224,000kg) were all removed from there working positions using and combination of the hydraulic lift system, jacking & skidding and modular trailers and placed on stools ready for transport down to the port for shipping.
The complex high profile project that was time sensitive, was completed well within the scope with the least disruption to other works continuing within the power station and without incident. Due to site restrictions, a neck 10 modular trailer was used to transport the pieces to the storage area on site, this trailer was also utilised to help the customer with the movement of other pieces within power station whilst on site. With our in-house resources of specialised equipment and experienced hard working employees, the project was a complete success.

Waste to Energy Boiler on Air
Moving the company forward into new and innovative methods in solving transport, lifting and handling problems for our customers JB Rawcliffe & Sons Ltd has just completed the offloading, handling and installation of a Cleaver-Brooks 13.5m x 3.8m x 4.8m 75,000kg Nebraska boiler and 2.6m x 3.3m x 4m 20,000kg associated economiser into the O-Gen Plymtrek energy plant.
With seven months in the planning, JB Rawcliffe & Sons Ltd were contracted to offload and place the boiler and economiser into their working positions within a building with extreme access restrictions. For the offloading of the boiler an in-depth crane study was completed by JB Rawcliffe & Sons Ltd due to the size of the boiler and the site restrictions. Two cranes with multiple lifting beam arrangements were contracted by JB Rawcliffe & Sons Ltd to offload the boiler from transport, roll the boiler into the correct orientation and place into access doorway.
With restricted height and only 80mm of clearance in the doorway width JB Rawcliffe & Sons Ltd utilised air skates to skid the boiler into the building where the boiler was then jacked up via eight jacking points simultaneously and the support steelwork skidded in beneath. The boiler was then skidded 90º within the building and into position. The successful project emphasises JB Rawcliffe & Sons Ltd commitment to helping our customers with their transport, lifting and handling projects.